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  1. Head of the PDIP Central Executive Board (Dewan Pimpinan Pusat) Puan Maharani stated

    Therefore, he continued, KPU DKI Jakarta will conduct data matching and verification (Coklit) from house to house to ensure the voter data matches the current DPT. "We need to update and ensure that KPU fulfills the constitutional rights of citizens to use their voting rights in the DKI Jakarta Pilkada," he stated.

    **Targeted by Golkar** The Central Java Regional Executive Board (DPD) of the Golkar Party is open to endorsing Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi as a gubernatorial ...
  2. Betty Epsilon Idroos, a member of the General Election Commission (KPU) RI, announced

    Chairman of KPU Malang City, Muhammad Toyib, stated that the election organizers respect the dispute filed by the petitioner and will follow all ongoing legal processes. "If in this hearing we are declared unprepared to provide a response, we will follow and prepare more thoroughly," he stated. Toyib mentioned that the administrative verification process conducted by KPU was according to procedure. KPU believes that Silon is a precise application in terms of administrative results and ...
  3. The Indonesian political research institute, Indikator Politik Indonesia, released th

    **Residents Prepare KK and E-KTP** "The results of the DP4 synchronization with the latest DPT voters are the basis for the coklit process, matching and research, which we will validate to see if the 8,315,669 voters' data is truly valid or not," stated. Furthermore, Fahmi hopes that residents can prepare several population documents to facilitate Pantarlih officers during the coklit process. Residents are requested to prepare their e-KTP and family card (KK).

  4. The Secretary General of the Independent Election Monitoring Committee (KIPP) Indones

    Before entering politics, he continued, Sohibul Iman was known as a technocrat and Muslim scholar. He was involved in the technology sector at the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT). "He is a blend of a skilled bureaucrat, a capable politician, ...
  5. The General Election Commission (KPU) of Indonesia has announced the schedule for the

    "Technically, I ask KPU friends at the provincial, regency/city levels to always coordinate with local governments, the military, police, prosecutors, and courts, so that in carrying out their work or tasks, the election organizers can work well," said Hasyim .

    "One ...
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