Recent Blogs Posts

  1. How To Complete Your Small Business Goals With Ease

    When I reflect on that experience, it occurs to me that a business coach is a lot like a good fishing guide. As a Technology coach I guide my clients on not only how to catch more fish (customers,) but I know all the best spots (best business practices) so they will succeed in business.

    You pay a Technology coach to help you produce different results with your business. How you get there may vary, but if your coach cannot offer a plan that promises to transform your business, then ...
  2. Business Decisions - How To Make The Best Ones

    Go online and do a search for websites in your own field of expertise. The successful businesses are ones sharing their expert solutions to frustrating problems for their field of expertise. This is sometimes called a market niche or a target market. You are an expert. You know solutions to the most common frustrating situations for your own expertise. You can do the same things these successful business are globally doing...they are sharing their expertise and making money doing it.