Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Indikator Politik Indonesia, a political research institute, published the survey res

    According to him, transparency is one of the principles of election administration . Therefore, KPU must design to actualize this principle . "Previously, Sirekap was designed to publish photos of the C Result form. Hence, we are obliged to publicize the voting results from the polling station level," he explained.

    Doli pointed out that Sirekap has been a focus for DPR RI Commission II from the start. It was initially not recommended for use in the 2024 General Elections. ...
  2. Survey agency Ide Cipta Research and Consulting (ICRC) announced the recent survey fi

    **PKS Invites NasDem and PKB to Support Anies-Sohibul Iman Pair** Ahmad Syaikhu will ask other political parties (parties) to support the Anies Baswedan-Sohibul Iman pair in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. According to Syaikhu, his party still lacks the seats needed to register ...
  3. Former Governor of DKI Jakarta for the 2017-2022 period Anies Baswedan welcomed the P

    Previously, PDIP DPP Chairman Said Abdullah admitted that he had visited Cak Imin's residence to discuss cooperation in the Jakarta Pilkada. Said mentioned that PKB is already set on nominating Anies Baswedan for the Jakarta gubernatorial election. "We went to the PKB Chairman's house, I remember it was after Friday prayers on May 30 before departing for Mecca. We had a heart-to-heart talk, as communication is definitely built among the elites, sharing views and perspectives," said Said. ...
  4. A total of 508 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) will take place simultaneously in In

    "If Mr. Ridwan Kamil runs in West Java, PKB will form its own coalition," stated Huda at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on June 26, 2024. Regarding the chance of collaborating with PDIP in West Java, Huda admitted that there ...
  5. In the 2024 Regional Election (Pilkada), members of the Polling Station Committee (PP

    The facilities in question, according to Andre, include assigning personnel to the PPK, PPS, and Panwascam secretariats, providing room facilities, logistical assistance, Trantibum, and most importantly, ensuring the neutrality of ASN

    1. Announcement of PPS Member Candidate Registration: May 2, 2024 - May 6, 2024.
    2. Acceptance of PPS Member Candidate Registrations: May 2, 2024 - May 8, 2024 .
    3. Extension of PPS Member Candidate Registrations: May 9, 2024 - May 11, ...
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