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  1. What is the Definition of Khodam? Learn about the Concept and Features of Those Who P

    llah's greatness.
    The story of Prophet Yunus AS instructs us about the importance of patience, constancy in faith, and sincere repentance. Prophet Yunus AS also becomes an example of how Allah SWT is always ready to accept the repentance of His
  2. Grasping the Distinction Betwixt Khusnul Khotimah and Husnul Khotimah within Islam: T

    ing to Allah SWT.
    Thus, the meaning of khusnul khotimah is extremely bad to be said when supplicating or supplicating for others. If you want to communicate and supplicate for goodness, you should utter or write husnul khoti

    lah's ...
  3. No deity except You, Glory be to You, Truly, I was from those who transgress: Arabic

    Meanwhile, qasar is a form of leniency by shortening prayers that have four rak'ahs to two rak'ahs. So if performing Maghrib and Isha prayers in jamak and qasar, it can be done by performing the Maghrib prayer still with three rak'ahs, and the Isha prayer with only ...
  4. No deity except You, Glory be to You, Indeed, I have been among the wrongdoers: Arabi


    Thousands of residents from the slopes of Merapi take part in the traditional ceremony of mountain charity by setting adrift a buffalo head, which is conducted every night of 1 Muharam or the night of 1 Sura according

  5. Intention for Merging the Maghrib and Isha Prayers with Delay, Additionally Learn the

    La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadzolimin is a supplication that can be uttered by Muslims when facing difficulties in life. This prayer fortifies a Muslim in dealing with difficulties or even lifts al

    any circumstance.
    When a Muslim passes away not in a state of husnul khotimah, it is because they themselves opted for it. As stated by Imam Suyuthi in Syarh As Shudur that the cause of someone becoming khusnul khotimah (passing away in a dishonored state) is like ...
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