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  1. 3 Ways To Position Your Business For Growth

    Write a book - Writing a book is one of the biggest advantages you can have over your competition. I've been to countless networking events, met coaches and consultants all over the world, and still find that I'm usually the only one in the room with a book. So I know firsthand that anyone in the room with a book has a distinct advantage over the rest of the people in their industry.

    Do you have a strategic plan? Do you have business goals that you want to achieve? Do you know what ...
  2. Always Have These As Your Goals In Business And Life

    Business coaching is a process and method that will challenge you and your business to be better than it already is and to reach for the unreachable. A technology coach does this by being an objective observer, asking uncomfortable challenging questions, and laying down fundamental plans double hold everyone accountable. So if the business is not ready (or if it is you) to be held accountable, challenged, and face the uncomfortable observations then it is not ready for a business coach. If you and ...