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  1. Home Business Tips - Do You Need A Mentor?

    You want defined outcomes that can be measured and that will produce sustainable results for you. I always begin my coaching engagements with a leadership and communication assessment, which I have found is vital to developing viable and measurable outcomes for the coaching engagement. You take the assessment online and it provides you with a snapshot of whom you are right now. It also provides key behavioral elements of how you are perceived as a leader and communicator.

    Write a ...
  2. Who Needs A Business Coach? - For Business Coaches

    There are so many benefits to having an internet marketing coach, I don't even feel that in 600 words I was able to truly express the importance of having a mentor. I know that for those of you starting out online, you are thinking "Well, I'll pay for a coach when I have a bit more money coming in" but BELIEVE ME, that money will come in so much faster if you take the time to align yourself with someone who can show you how to slice your learning curve in half.

    Ask potential ...
  3. Make Others Wealthy Through Coaching

    I had an agent email me this morning and say angrily that all I keep talking about is marketing and technology. He said I knew nothing about real estate or marketing and that I was an idiot. I asked him how he heard about us. Angrily he said he was reading our blog. And I'm the idiot. Marketing is everything!

    There are a lot of people out there who are making less than $150 a month and think they'll be able to make a full time income working at home. They feel like by buying more ...
  4. Is A High Income Business Opportunity The Right Plan For You?

    When should a business choose a business Coach? To answer this question you first have to ask yourself a very important question of your own, "Is my business and/or I am ready to be coached?" The question of when is answered by you knowing if you are ready to be coached.

    Too many coaches are confused about the concept of the niche. They either don't define a niche, or define it so broadly that it's not a niche at all. They fear that by defining a niche, they will miss the ...
  5. 8 Secrets Every New Coach Should Know

    No matter what you want to accomplish, whether it's learning how to market a product you made or driving traffic to business you already own. Having a A To Z plan is much easier than being all over the place with no end in sight.

    ACTIONS come from DECISIONS. DECISIONS can be done consciously or unconsciously. Your ACTIONS will change when you DECIDE on something. As a coach, you will need the right training to know the right decisions that will result to favorable actions for your ...