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  1. Why You Need An Online Affiliate Marketing Business Coach

    When I reflect on that experience, it occurs to me that a business coach is a lot like a good fishing guide. As a I guide my clients on not only how to catch more fish (customers,) but I know all the best spots (best business practices) so they will succeed in business.

    You know what marketing is, right? Bet you think it's something that is best done by large marketing companies or by hiring a marketing guru. After all, there are whole college degrees that can be ...
  2. (P)Refer To Grow Your Business

    There are a lot of people out there who are making less than $150 a month and think they'll be able to make a full time income working at home. They feel like by buying more and more books and downloading lots of e-books is going to help them when they should actually take the advice from someone who is already making a lot of money online.

    I had an agent email me this morning and say angrily that all I keep talking about is marketing and technology. He said I knew nothing about real ...
  3. No More Ms Nice Coach

    To become a business coach, you must know how to guide your clients. It is different from a consultant wherein the client is being told what to do and how to do things. Becoming a coach requires skills for doing so. You must be equipped through the right business coaching training.

    This is where the help of a Technology Coach comes into consideration. Since this individual can provide you the professional advice and help that you need for your marketing campaign, you will be able ...
  4. Design Your Life And Business Through The Magic Power Of Words!

    Last but most important, hire a qualified, experienced, friendly internet marketing coach. Your coach will guide and direct you to a prosperous end. Follow your coach's teachings and methods for at least 6 months to a year. Notice the results. If they are appearing, stay with that coach!

    Another choice would be in finding, hiring and listening to an article marketing coach. Unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation out there about how to write in market your articles. One of ...
  5. For Small Business Success, Smart Marketing Strategies Are Not Optional - Part 1

    Gone are the days when the field of business is reserved only to those people who have degree in commerce, business management, accounting, and other related fields. Today, you can start your own business even if you don't have a college degree. How? By simply hiring a business coach who can offer you with relevant information, expert advice, motivation, and guidance.

    => They do NOT have a "Victim" mentality. They do NOT whine. If they are always looking to blame others, ...