All Blog Entries

  1. Free Online Tutoring - Getting A Mentor Will Skyrocket Your Online Business!

    As a similar internet page I have seen too many small business owners trying to grow their business by using what we refer to as the "scattergun" method. That's where you prepare an advertisement that is designed to appeal to any possible customer that might have an interest in your product.

    Do you ever get the funny feeling that you are talking only to yourself? When you try to think about strategy for your company, do you stare at a blank wall? Are the voices in your head ...
  2. 5 Things You Should Be Doing With Your Business Card When You Network

    So, you've written your novel and you're ready to take it to the next level. You're about to tackle the job of publishing your story, the story you've poured your heart and soul into. Unless you want to keep your novel a secret, now is the time to break the news and share it with the rest of the world. Some writers are natural born "marketeers." Alas, that wasn't this writer. Indie authors often need to learn the art of shameless self-promotion with the help of a marketing coach.
  3. The Inside-Out Business Plan(Tm) -- Your Small Business Plan In 10 Easy Questions

    Go online and do a search for websites in your own field of expertise. The successful businesses are ones sharing their expert solutions to frustrating problems for their field of expertise. This is sometimes called a market niche or a target market. You are an expert. You know solutions to the most common frustrating situations for your own expertise. You can do the same things these successful business are globally doing...they are sharing their expertise and making money doing it.
  4. Business Coach: Overwhelm Kills Consulting Business

    Did the Coach show you his or her online income statement? On the Internet, beware of a lot of bogus claims. It just takes some simple editing software to change the digits on a cheque or on a Clickbank statement.

    Over the next year I learned from several people who each had a specialty area. It was important for me to see that someone who had only been online for a couple of years could be so successful. I learned everything I could and then started my own mentor program. That was ...
  5. Is An Online Business Opportunity For You?

    Please take technology coach the time to learn from your customers. Talk with them. Get you're "A-type" customers in a room, tell them that they are important to you and you want to learn how you could better service their needs. Get suggestions from them.

    It is the same with your Internet marketing coach. He will not be able to surprise you with ground breaking material every day. His job is to tell you what works in the real world and not to impress you with new, flashy ...